January and February in NYC (and briefly DC), shot on my first roll of Ilford HP5 Plus 400.
Read MoreBrooklyn Botanic Garden
A year ago, last September, I trekked down to Brooklyn to check out the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, which I had somehow never been to despite more than five years in New York. We had a lot of space to ourselves as not too many people were there that afternoon, so it was nice and peaceful as we explored the gardens and greenhouses. There were still plenty of flowers and the leaves were only beginning to change colors, the day only a bit cooler than summer, but I’d really like to visit again when it’s fully fall, as well as during peak spring season. I brought along my film camera and finished up a roll of Portra 400 while we walked around.
Read MoreFall & Winter Film Diary
A belated film diary of late September through December. Taken on Kodak Gold 200.
Read MoreSpring on Film
April and May in NYC on film
Read MoreA Return to Film
I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. I never have; it simply isn’t something I believe in, or the way I like to look at goals and making changes. The closest I come to resolutions might be the reading goal I set on Goodreads each year.
That said, at the beginning of 2019, I found myself thinking about creative activities and how much I have not been writing and taking photos recently. In an effort to take photos again - and to be really excited about it - I ended up picking up my film camera for the first time in years (5 or 6 years, I think) and buying some new rolls of film. I sporadically took photos in March and then got the roll developed in early April.
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